Embracing Diversity
We are very fortunate to live in an area rich with people of different colors, genders, backgrounds, cultures and religions.
The Northern California Vipassana Center, Dhamma Manda, welcomes everyone to our courses. We embrace and respect the diversity of everyone, including all colors, identities, genders, religions, backgrounds, and cultures. Despite our unique lives and lived experiences, when we come to a Vipassana course we are united by a common purpose: to discover the way to self-transformation through self-observation.
Non-Sectarian Program
The program of the course is presented in a non-sectarian format. People who belong to or practice any religion, faith or teaching are welcome to apply and attend.
On every course we have many students whose native language is not English. Course materials are available in almost 50 languages and some courses are even bilingual. If English is not your native language, then someone from the center will contact you to see how we can accommodate you.
A Vipassana course is a rigorous and demanding undertaking, and participants need to be in a good state of both physical and mental health.
The course may not be suitable for people with certain mental health problems, past or present. Applicants will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire in order to give us a more detailed picture of their condition and history. We are concerned about the well-being of all participants, and we may need to seek advice from a medical professional when considering whether it is in the applicant’s best interest to attend a course.
Some applicants may have a special requirement because of a health issue or physical disability. We are able to accept most people provided they are well enough to follow the full timetable and schedule. We need to know what they will require well in advance of their arrival so that we can accommodate them properly. We ask anyone with special needs to give full details in the section, “Anything you wish to add to the above information?” on the application form. If necessary, we will then contact them to discuss how we might meet their needs.
Sexual Orientation
People of all sexual orientations are welcome to our courses.
Course applicants can give us any relevant sexuality information in the section of the application that asks, “Anything you wish to add to the above information?” It is helpful for us to have the information in advance so that appropriate accommodation arrangements can be made.
Gender Diversity
People of all gender identities are welcome on our courses.
Transgender participants will be accommodated on the male or female side of the campus, according to the gender with which they identify. If someone doesn’t conform to either of the binary gender identities and is concerned about having to identify as male or female, we nevertheless hope that they will be able to accept living either on the male or the female side for the duration of their stay at the center.
Course applicants can give us any relevant gender information in the section of the application that asks, “Anything you wish to add to the above information?” It is helpful for us to have the information in advance so that appropriate accommodation arrangements can be made.